Move past your past.

Trauma therapy in Pasadena, CA and throughout California

Try as you might, your trauma keeps showing up…

and it is impacting your relationships, work, and sense of self.

You’ve survived a lot and have worked hard to leave your trauma in the past. Despite your efforts, you’re still feeling its reverberating effects. Perhaps it’s hard to trust anyone or you’re dealing with flashbacks, panic attacks, forgetfulness, sleeplessness, or another symptom of misalignment.

Trauma therapy requires an in-depth and somatic approach. This is because trauma doesn’t just live in the mind — it also lives in the body. Together, we will build a treatment plan that includes EMDR therapy to help you reprocess your memories and find freedom from the aftershocks of trauma.

Sound like you?

Experiencing panic or anxiety

Unable to trust those you’re in relationship with

Find yourself on edge or avoiding activities that remind you of the trauma

Wishing that you could live a life free from trauma-related symptoms

Here’s what we’ll do together

Trauma therapy can help you truly heal from the past.

I specialize in treating trauma, with a special focus on those who’ve survived sexual abuse, childhood abuse/dysfunction, narcissistic abuse, race-based trauma, and attachment trauma. Those who are living with PTSD or CPTSD often find their way to my office, as well.

Trauma can trigger an automatic response to anything that reminds us of the traumatic event. To truly address this automatic response, it is key to use a modality that targets the neurobiology of trauma. This is why I include EMDR therapy in my trauma therapy treatment approach.

Another important aspect of healing from trauma is developing the ability to build safe, nurturing, and trustworthy attachments. In therapy, we will focus on ensuring the therapeutic relationship feels like a safe space for you to land so you can get the most out of your treatment.

I’ve received specialized training in EMDR and specific adaptations to use for CPTSD, which means I arrive at our work together equipped with tools to help you return home to yourself.

What we’ll work on

Imagine a life where…

  • You can develop and enjoy safe, healthy, and trusting relationships.

  • Your daily life is no longer dictated by past trauma.

  • You’re no longer plagued by feelings of panic and anxiety.

  • You’re empowered to make decisions from your true knowing, not your past.

Let’s help you get back to you.

Let’s help you get back to you.



  • If you’re feeling the pull to heal from your past, it may be time for trauma therapy. Keep in mind that we will collaborate to ensure we pace our work appropriately to help you feel secure, safe, and grounded.

  • I believe in a unique and specialized treatment plan for every individual — there is no one size fits all when it comes to healing. As such, I recommend approaching therapy without a timeline and instead a full commitment to the healing journey.

  • This varies for each individual client, but generally includes a blend of depth therapy, EMDR therapy, and actionable tools you can use on a daily basis.