reignite your passion and create with ease.

Therapy for artists & creative professionals in Pasadena, CA and throughout California.

The pressures of creating have zapped your artistry.

It’s time to reconnect to your creative spark.

There’s no choice in having a creative soul — if you have it, you know you must nurture it. However, an artist’s life isn’t simple. Some worry that healing their core wounds will rob them of inspiration, stating that their best work comes from their hardships. Others might now work for high-profile individuals while their own creative dreams have fallen by the wayside. You might be a high-profile individual yourself, grappling with the pressures of fame.

Before becoming a therapist, I worked a slew of jobs in the creative world. Writing, creative producing, and working with high-profile entertainers are just a few of my past endeavors. In these experiences, I learned about the pressures of the industry, the frustration of burnout, how to set boundaries, and what it means to reconnect with your creativity. In therapy for artists and creative professionals, I’m not only utilizing my years of training and experience. I also get it — I’ve been there, found my footing, and have sustained a creative practice that is still alive today.

We can heal the hurt, support you in creating your best work, and empower you to be your most authentic self. The container of therapy for artists and creative professionals in Pasadena, CA will gift you with actionable tools you can use daily, an awareness of your mind, and a connection with your intuition.

Feel familiar?

You’re stuck in a rut and experiencing major creative blocks.

You’re feeling resentful of your career and wondering how you can reconnect with your artistry.

You’re exhausted by the demands of the industry.

You’re looking for a sense of balance in your daily life.

In our sessions together, we will…

Explore your core wounds.

Our past shapes our present and when we feel stuck, we are usually recreating a negative pattern from our past. Each week, we will take a deep dive into your subconscious mind and learn what is really happening at the core of everything.

Process the hurt.

Once we’ve developed a keen awareness of the core wound, it is time to tend to it. We will likely employ EMDR therapy, utilizing the wisdom of the body to create lasting change.

Learn new tools to help you thrive.

Mindfulness, guided visualizations, dream analysis, holistic lifestyle shifts, and ways to reframe your thoughts will support you as you walk into this new era of you.

Get ready for a new beginning

Get ready for a new beginning.



  • I believe we all have a creative essence and those who question if they are artists often are — they are just struggling with imposter syndrome. Regardless of how you identify, if my words resonate with you, then you’ve landed in the right place.

  • This question comes up a lot and in my experience, the best art comes when folks do the deep healing work. This is because you’re able to access your creativity with a greater perspective on the experience, more stamina to follow through on projects, and aren’t plagued by the emotional hangover that can accompany making art about pain.

  • Research shows the key factor to getting the most out of therapy is a great relationship with your therapist. Receiving therapy from someone like myself who understands your industry, identifies as an artist themselves, and understands how unique every individual’s experience is fosters a sense of connection and trust.